
携程拿去花有 额度为什么用不了


一、 用户选择的商品,拿去花不支持。









问:携程拿去花有额度怎么用?答:携程拿去花是携程旅行打造的一款信用产品,可以用于携程旅游消费以及生活场景。拿到额度之后,可以在携程旅游App中查询额度使用方式,并且可以享受分期付款服务。问:如何申请携程拿去花?答:申请携程拿去花可以在携程旅游App中进行,进入个人中心-掌上银行-携程拿去花-立即申请,按照流程填写相关信息即可。额度根据个人资质进行评估,一般会在3个工作日内审核完成。问:携程拿去花如何还款?答:还款可以通过以下几种方式:1. 手动还款:在携程旅游App中进入个人中心-掌上银行-携程拿去花-我的账单,选择需要还款的账单进行手动还款。2. 自动还款:在携程旅游App中进入个人中心-掌上银行-携程拿去花-自动还款,绑定银行卡后,系统会在还款日从绑定银行卡中扣款。3. 线下还款:可以到招商银行或邮储银行柜台进行还款。问:携程拿去花有哪些优惠活动?答:携程拿去花有多种优惠活动,例如:1. 新用户首次开通携程拿去花可获得50元优惠券,用于携程旅游消费。2. 分类消费优惠,例如酒店特价、机票折扣、游轮优惠等。3. 支持多种银行信用卡分期付款,享受更低的利率。值得用户尝试使用。

【英文介绍/For English】:

The reason why Ctrip can't use the quota to spend it may be due to the following reasons:

1. It is not supported to spend the product selected by the user.

2. Users no longer meet the latest review requirements of Nagohua.

3. Naquhua is under system maintenance and cannot issue loans.

Fourth, due to remote login, it was taken to spend risk control.

Naquhua only supports domestic air tickets, vacation travel consumption, international air tickets and a few discounted or group-buying products cannot be used in Naquhua. Not all domestic air tickets can be used for taking and spending, so there may be cases where users have a quota for taking and spending, but they cannot use it.

To activate Daquhua, you need to have spent money on Qunar, Ctrip and other websites. If the user has not used Qunar, Ctrip and other websites for a long time, the user may have a quota but cannot use it.

It can be seen in the user agreement of Naohuahua: "From the date I sign this authorization to the date when the final result is determined or the date of repayment, I authorize Naohuahua to inquire, save, and use my credit report through the credit reporting system for Review loan applications."

According to the user agreement of Nao Qu Hua, it is known that Na Qu Hua requires the user to authorize access to the personal credit information system, so the loan under the user's name should not be overdue. Once the loan under the user's name is overdue, the lender may upload the user's overdue record to the personal credit investigation system of the People's Bank of China, affecting the user's use of the loan.