
污染层一般在 房子的几层

污染层一般是在房子的11层,在环境学上又叫扬灰层,空气中的尘土以及有害物质在这个高度有个停留的过程,其实由于峡谷效应的影响,在街道风的作用下,含有灰尘的气流不是平稳移动,而是在高楼之间的某个区间上下徘徊。对于 高层来说,由于楼层很多,所以一层以上的所有楼层构成的浊气都会集中在一层,如果购买一层会严重影响家庭运势,当然高层中的二、三楼都很鸡肋,主要是因为采光很差而且欣赏户外风光的效果也欠好,大街两侧2、3楼受污染最重。在平时生活中,从一层到十八层地狱的层次最重,所以在高层住所楼层风水学中关于18层这个特殊的层次是特别敏感的,所以最好不要挑选十八层的高楼。一般来讲,在高层的顶层都会设有露台,能起到一定的降温效果,可是从高层住所风水学中顶层是一种高处不胜寒的代名词,极为工作会许多受阻。












【英文介绍/For English】:

The polluted layer is generally on the 11th floor of the house. It is also called the ash layer in environmental science. The dust and harmful substances in the air have a process of staying at this height. In fact, due to the influence of the canyon effect, under the action of the street wind, Instead of moving smoothly, the dust-laden airflow hovers up and down in a certain interval between tall buildings. For high-rise buildings, due to the large number of floors, the turbid air formed by all the floors above the first floor will be concentrated on the first floor. If you buy one floor, it will seriously affect the family fortune. Of course, the second and third floors in high-rise buildings are very tasteless, mainly Due to the poor lighting and the effect of enjoying the outdoor scenery is not good, the second and third floors on both sides of the street are the most heavily polluted. In daily life, the levels from the first floor to the eighteenth floor of hell are the heaviest, so in Feng Shui of high-rise residential floors, the special level of the 18th floor is particularly sensitive, so it is best not to choose a high-rise building with 18 floors. Generally speaking, there will be a balcony on the top floor of the high-rise, which can have a certain cooling effect, but from the Feng Shui of high-rise residences, the top floor is synonymous with a kind of high place that is not cold, and it will hinder a lot of work.