
晚上吃什么 减肥

1、晚饭吃粗粮:粗粮的选择非常丰富,如薯类的食物。对于活动量少的女性,粗粮的 主食量控制在50克左右。如果工作累,可以适量的进行增加。虽然很多人认为减肥不应该吃主食,但是如果不吃主食晚上就只能挨饿度过,另外,第2天早上起来的时候就会觉得肚子非常的饥饿。因此,晚上适合适当的吃一些主食。主食中所含的可溶性纤维在吸收水之后体积会变大,产生饱腹感,减少能量的摄取对减肥有帮助。




问:晚上想吃点东西,怕胖还想减肥,有什么好的建议吗? 答:晚上虽然要控制热量,但也不一定要不吃东西。以下是一些健康的晚餐选择,可以帮助您控制体重:

1. 清淡饮食,选择高纤维蔬菜和蛋白质晚上应该尽量减少碳水化合物的摄入,而增加蔬菜和蛋白质的摄入。例如,绿色蔬菜,如菠菜、莴苣、芹菜等含水分高、热量低,还能提供多种维生素和纤维素来帮助消化;另外,选择瘦肉、鱼类、豆类等富含蛋白质的食品能够给你足够的能量,不会让你感到饥饿。

2. 喝温水或凉开水晚上喝温开水或凉开水有助于促进身体的代谢,促进新陈代谢,并帮助消耗身体脂肪。

3. 控制份量即使是健康的食物,也要控制摄入量。晚餐食物可以用手掌大小为标准,每种食物不要过多摄入,如果还是感到饥饿可以适量增加水果摄入量。

4. 避免高脂肪和糖分的食品晚上吃太多高糖和高脂肪的食品会阻碍身体消化和代谢。多喝水和吃少量健康食品,避免摄入过多容易产生脂肪。 总结:选择高纤维的食物,喝水限制剂量是很好的解决晚上想吃又怕胖的矛盾的方法,此外,晚餐也要坚持好的习惯,不要长期吃大量高热量或者高糖分的食品,时刻注意自己的饮食和身体状况,这样才能健康的度过夜晚。

【英文介绍/For English】:

1. Eat whole grains for dinner: There are many choices of whole grains, such as potatoes. For women with less activity, the staple food of coarse grains should be controlled at about 50 grams. If you are tired from work, you can increase it in an appropriate amount. Although many people think that staple food should not be eaten to lose weight, but if you don’t eat staple food, you can only go hungry at night. In addition, you will feel very hungry when you wake up the next morning. Therefore, it is suitable to eat some staple food in the evening. The soluble fiber contained in the staple food will increase in size after absorbing water, resulting in a feeling of fullness, and reducing energy intake is helpful for weight loss.

2. Eat meat for dinner: Many people think that it is best not to eat meat at night, but in fact meat is also edible, but if you want to eat meat, you can only choose meat with low calories. In addition, protein and soybean products also contain protein, which is also very suitable for eating at night, and it is very nutritious and not easy to gain weight.

3. Eat enough vegetables for dinner: In fact, eating vegetables when losing weight at night is a way for many people to lose weight, because everyone knows that vegetables are not high in calories, and vegetables can also supplement the nutrients needed by the human body. To regulate the role of physical fitness.