
电子政务外网和 互联网的区别









【英文介绍/For English】:

The e-government intranet refers to the national e-government intranet platform, which was established under the guidance of the Electronic Science and Technology Committee of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and the Basic Product Development Research Center of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology to introduce the earliest and systematic introduction of e-government construction, A professional website for informatization construction. The Internet, also known as the international network, refers to a huge network formed by connecting networks. These networks are connected by a set of common protocols to form a logically single huge international network.

The Internet began in 1969 with the Arpanet in the United States. Generally, the internet generally refers to the Internet, while the Internet refers to the Internet in particular. This method of interconnecting computer networks can be called "network interconnection". On this basis, a global Internet covering the whole world is developed called the Internet, which is a network structure that is interconnected. The Internet is not the same as the World Wide Web. The World Wide Web is just a global system based on hypertext links, and it is one of the services that the Internet can provide.

E-government refers to the use of modern information technology such as computers, networks and communications to realize the optimization and reorganization of government organizations and work processes, beyond the limitations of time, space and departmental separation, and to build a streamlined, efficient, clean and fair government operation model. In order to provide the society with high-quality, standardized, transparent and international-standard management and services in an all-round way. The e-government network consists of a government intranet and a government extranet. The two networks are physically separated, and the government extranet is logically separated from the Internet. The government affairs intranet is mainly the office network of the government affairs department, and the government affairs extranet is the business private network of the government, which mainly operates the professional business of the government affairs department facing the society and the business that does not need to be run on the intranet.