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2024年100所名校高考模拟金典卷 24新高考·JD·英语-Y 英语答案

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2024年100所名校高考模拟金典卷 24新高考·JD·英语-Y 英语答案正在持续更新,目前答案城为大家整理了相关试题及答案,供大家查缺补漏,高效提升成绩。


重庆南开中学高2022级高三第一次质量检测英语试题参考答案与评分细则听力:1-5 AACBC6-10 ACCAB11-15 CBACB16-20 BACAB阅读理解:21-23CAB24-27 CBCD28-31 CDDB32-35 BCCA七选五:36-40 FBGCE完形填空:41-45 CBBAD46-50 DCABC51 -55 BDBCA语法填空:56.stuck57.indicates58.surveys59.how/whether/if60.the61.which62.Surprisingly63.as64.avoiding65.catchy写作:第一节:Possible version:Dear Andy,How is everything going?As far as I know,you are enthusiastic about Chinese traditional culture,I am writingto invite you to attend an upcoming eventAn exhibition of cultural relics'from the Forbidden City is scheduled next month in the Three Corges Museum.Many ancient calligraphy works,paintings,books and porcelain vases will be on display,which are bound to castlight on Chinese ancient culture.To show respect for our national treasure,food and drinks are not allowed whiletouring the museum.Moreover,flashes are prohibited when you are taking photos.Just savor the beauty with your heart and soul.I am sure it will sausfy your insatiable desire for orientalbeaut).Your earliest reply will be highly appreciated.Yours,Li Hua第二节:Possible version:I few home shortly afterwards,irying hard to case my tension on the way home.No sooner had I landed than Irushed to call a cab home.To clear up the mess of thinking,I rolled down the car window,letting the fresh air in.Memorics flashed back with the passing sccncs on the streets.Haunted by the closct,I kept on thinking during thecar ride home:Was the jacket safe?What about the hankic?Would sceing this empty closct cause me to have abreakdown?When I finally got home,I stumbled to the doorway.Petrificd at the thought of sccing hollow closct,Ihesitated.I pulled the door open.To my surprise,the empty closet caused me no panie-just peace.The closct is brightly-lit,casting warm glow.Yes,Dad's stuff was mostly gone but strangely,the memory of him is still fresh.It was thenthat I realized I didn't need to see the handkerchief or jacket to remember him.The objects were just an outer layerabove what remaincd.Though objcets may help us tell a story,thcy arc not storics themselvcs.Over family dinner,Mom and I shared happincss and heartbrcaks,joys and sorrows,laughter and.tcars lingering in the housc.Somctimes the best,moumning of the past is to cmbracc the futurc.英语试题参考答案第1页(共7页)
本文标签: 100所答案 金典答案




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