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2024届名师原创分科模拟(六)ZS4英语试卷 答案(更新中)

高三联考 62

2024届名师原创分科模拟(六)ZS4英语试卷 答案(更新中)正在持续更新,目前答案城为大家整理了相关试题及答案,供大家查缺补漏,高效提升成绩。


B.That helps you reduce your fuel cost.C.However,nowadays it is a bit different.D.Each passenger can travel for a reduced cost.E.In today's digital time we are constantly connected.F.In these situations,car sharing becomes an excellent option.G.Moreover,it improves the environment since it means less cars.第三部分语言运用(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。My job is to help clients find jobs and return to school for training.One day,a lady cameto my office with a dream to become a registered nurse.However,her family did not 41With young children to care for and her husband unemployed,she simply didn't have the42 to return to school.It was clear that this lady had a(n)43 for the nursing profession,so I encouraged herto realize her dream.I 44 her with necessary information to apply for nursing school.Sheleft my office,and I never 45 whether she followed her dream or not.Many years later,I was diagnosed (with breast cancer.I was 46 to hospital.The surgery was successful.It was,47,very painful.Though I 48 myself on not be-ing a bell ringer,one night the pain was so 49 that I had to call for a nurse.I rang thebell and waited for 50.A nurse came through the door and offered to help.I 51thanked her for coming to my rescue.I said,"I am not usually like this."To my 52,she said,"Oh,I know that,Mrs.Bryenton."It 53 that she was justthe lady who I had encouraged to follow her dream years before.She subsequently (re-turned to school for upgrading and later 54 nursing.You never know what 55 your encouraging words will have on someone.It is amaz-ing that many of my clients would return to say thanks to me.41.A.respondB.approveC.careD.decline42.A.meansB.qualitiesC.rightD.invitation43.A.talentB.experienceC.passionD.ability44.A.comparedB.occupiedC.chargedD.equipped45.A.imaginedB.consideredC.knewD.expected46.A.exposedB.admittedC.refusedD.referred47.A.insteadB.thereforeC.howeverD.otherwise48.A.pridedB.dependedC.concentratedD.impressed49.A.sharpB.constantC.slightD.mild50.A.consultationB.sympathyC.assessmentD.assistance51.A.dynamicallyB.apologeticallyC.shylyD.crucially52.A.delightB.reliefC.disappointmentD.amazement【高三英语第8页(共10页)】906C·HLJ·
本文标签: 模拟信息卷答案 名师原创答案 信息模拟测试卷答案




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