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段雪珂 ,  任娟娟 ,  郝赫 ,  张淇 ,  龚旗煌 ,  古英

  • 专题:等离激元增强光与物质相互作用


段雪珂, 任娟娟, 郝赫, 张淇, 龚旗煌, 古英

Interactions between photons and excitons in micro-nano photonic structures

Duan Xue-Ke, Ren Juan-Juan, Hao He, Zhang Qi, Gong Qi-Huang, Gu Ying
  • 摘要
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  • 参考文献(96)
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  • 摘要

    微纳光子结构中超强的光场局域给光和物质相互作用带来了新的研究机遇. 通过设计光学模式, 微纳结构中的光子和激子可以实现可逆或者不可逆的能量交换作用. 本文综述了我们近年来在微纳结构, 尤其是表面等离激元及其复合结构中光子和激子在强弱耦合区域的系列研究工作, 如高效可调谐及方向性的单光子发射, 利用电磁真空构造增强光子和激子的耦合等. 这些工作为微纳尺度上光和物质作用提供了新的物理内容, 在芯片上量子信息过程及可扩展的量子网络构建中有潜在应用.
    • 表面等离激元 / 
    • 腔量子电动力学 / 
    • 强耦合 / 
    • 弱耦合 


    The strong localized field in micro-nano photonic structures brings new opportunities for the study of the light-matter interaction. By designing optical modes in these structures, photons and excitons in micro-nanostructures can exchange energy reversibly or irreversibly. In this paper, a series of our recent studies on the strong and weak photon-emitter coupling in micro-nano structures especially in plasmonic and their coupled structures are reviewed, such as the principle of efficient, tunable and directional single photon emission, and engineering the electromagnetic vacuum for enhancing the coupling between photon and exciton. These results provide new physical contents for the light-matter interactions on micro and nanoscale, and have potential applications in the on-chip quantum information process and the construction of scalable quantum networks.
    • plasmonics / 
    • cavity quantum electrodynamics / 
    • strong coupling / 
    • weak coupling 


      通信作者: 古英, ygu@pku.edu.cn
    • 基金项目: 国家重点基础研究发展计划(批准号: 2018YFB1107200)、国家自然科学基金(批准号: 11525414, 11734001)和广东省重点领域研发计划 (批准号: 2018B030329001 )资助的课题.

    Authors and contacts

      Corresponding author: Gu Ying, ygu@pku.edu.cn
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Key R&D Program of China (Grant No. 2018YFB1107200), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 11525414, 11734001), and the Key Research and Development Program of Guangdong Province, China (Grant No. 2018B030329001) .

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  • 图 1  (a)腔量子电动力学体系, κ为腔模的损耗, γ为量子体系的自发辐射速率[ 9], g代表它们的耦合强度; (b)弱耦合(红线)和强耦合(蓝线)情况下的能量交换及透射谱[ 9]; (c)弱耦合下的自发辐射增强示意图[ 7]; (d)强耦合下的周期性能量交换示意图[ 7]

    Fig. 1.  (a) The cavity quantum electrodynamics system, κ is the damping rate of the cavity, γ is the spontaneous emission rate of the quantum system, and g is the coupling constant between the quantum system and the cavity mode[ 9]; (b) the progress of the energy exchange and the transmission spectrum of the cavity for the weak coupling (red) and strong coupling (blue) regimes[ 9]; (c) the enhancement of spontaneous emission for the weak coupling regime[ 7]; (d) the periodic energy exchange for the strong coupling regime[ 7].

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    图 2  (a)复合银纳米棒-金纳米薄膜间隙表面等离激元结构, 模式匹配的低损耗介质纳米光纤放置在薄膜上方; (b)量子发射体在间隙结构中沿不同衰减通道的自发辐射归一化衰减速率[ 43]

    Fig. 2.  (a) The coupled Ag nanorod-Au nanofilm gap plasmon system, with a phase-matched low loss dielectric nanofiber above the nanofilm; (b) the normalized decay rates of the quantum emitter in the gap structure into different decay channels[ 43].

    下载: 全尺寸图片 幻灯片

    图 3  (a)可调谐间隙表面等离激元结构; (b)高对比度自发辐射开关, 随着折射率的变化, 自发辐射速率可以实行从$103\gamma_{0}$ $8750\gamma_{0}$的变化; (c)高收集效率模拟图, 光子能量有42%被有效收集到光纤中[70]

    Fig. 3.  (a) The hybrid tunable gap surface plasmon nanostructure; (b) the high-contrast switching of spontaneous emission, with the change of index, the spontaneous emission rate can be tuned from $103\gamma_{0}$ to $8750\gamma_{0}$; (c) the diagram of high-efficiency extracting, with 42% of the photons can be collected into the nanofibers[70].

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    图 4  (a)纳米棒和纳米线的复合结构; (b)银纳米线和银纳米棒复合系统以及(c)介质纳米线和银纳米棒复合系统中的各个衰减通道的归一化衰减系数[ 71]

    Fig. 4.  (a) The coupled nanorod-nanowire system. The normalized decay rates into different channels in the coupled (b) Ag nanowire-Ag nanorod system and (c) dielectric nanowire- Ag nanorod system[ 71].

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    图 5  (a)倏逝真空中的表面等离激元纳米腔量子电动力学体系; (b)在倏逝真空下的耦合系数g的增强[ 88]

    Fig. 5.  (a) The plasmonic nano-CQED system in evanescent-vacuum; (b) the enhancement of the coupling coefficient in evanescent-vacuum[ 88].

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    图 6  (a)介质纳米圆环-纳米线复合结构; (b)纳米线存在时的耦合系数增强[ 90]

    Fig. 6.  (a) The hybrid nanotoroid-nanowire system; (b) the enhancement of the coupling coefficient in the nanogap with the nanowire[ 90].

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