全球设计风向感谢来自 末染设计  的商业空间项目案例分享:


商业空间,服饰店设计,服装店设计,太原服装店设计,女装服饰店设计,太原零售店设计,WEI STUFFSPACE,太原WEISTUFF,WEI STUFFE服饰店,项目投稿,末染设计,末染设计作品



How does physical space function in the digital environment?



Nowadays, even in the face of epidemic isolation, people can still meet the needs of life and work through the network. So what’s really important is to encourage the physical space to create more happenings, to help people make offline connections. Getting rid of the shackles of spatial functions is one of the techniques to achieve the goal. When different Spaces serve different goals, diverse communities are formed, and new ideas and ideas are born.


∇ 室内空间概览 Interior Space Overview

商业空间,服饰店设计,服装店设计,太原服装店设计,女装服饰店设计,太原零售店设计,WEI STUFFSPACE,太原WEISTUFF,WEI STUFFE服饰店,项目投稿,末染设计,末染设计作品




WEI STUFF,是由英文STUFF和中文拼音“魏-WEI”组合而成。“WEI”是项目甲方的姓氏,她与姐姐,一路艰辛;WEI也是WE,就是我们,这间店便是她们梦想的升级。WEI STUFF是为初心不改,展现真实自我的隐喻。愿我们每一个人在追梦路上都能不忘初心,从一而终。

作为一个本土独立设计师女装品牌——WEI STUFF(東京街9号)在电商经济极其成熟的大环境中,希望将其“品质则极致”的时尚态度,融合进全新的实体店空间中。

Wei Stuff is a combination of English Stuff and Chinese Pinyin “Wei-Wei”. “Wei” is the surname of the project’s client, who, along with her sister, has had a hard time; Wei is WE, WE are, and this store is the upgrade of their dreams. Wei Stuff is a metaphor for showing your true self without changing your original intention. May every one of us on the road to dream can not forget the original intention, from one to the end.

As a local independent designer women’s wear brand, WEI Stuff (No. 9 Tokyo Street) hopes to integrate its fashion attitude of “supreme quality” into the new physical store space in the mature environment of e-commerce economy.




WEI STUFF设计项目中,MOOTHAN.致力于探索飞速发展的时代中物质空间的内涵。在当前时代的大背景下,设计师希望建筑空间能为人们提供更多相遇的机会。WEI STUFF的设计通过功能混合实现了目标,设计师赋予内部空间同时举办不同活动的可能性,通过核心的中厅空间完美表达设计意图。

In the Wei Stuff design project, Moothan is dedicated to exploring the meaning of physical space in a rapidly developing world. In the context of the current era, the designer hopes that the architectural space can provide more opportunities for people to meet. The design of Wei Stuff achieves this goal through a mix of functions, giving the interior space the possibility of hosting different events simultaneously, and expressing the design intent through the central hall space.


01 之间 Between



Into the room, the mood from noisy transition to peace, the whole complex space appears in front of the utopia of this noisy city.


商业空间,服饰店设计,服装店设计,太原服装店设计,女装服饰店设计,太原零售店设计,WEI STUFFSPACE,太原WEISTUFF,WEI STUFFE服饰店,项目投稿,末染设计,末染设计作品



Re-design itself is a space of self-metabolism, and the birth of a new space in the city, is also a small but subtle change.


商业空间,服饰店设计,服装店设计,太原服装店设计,女装服饰店设计,太原零售店设计,WEI STUFFSPACE,太原WEISTUFF,WEI STUFFE服饰店,项目投稿,末染设计,末染设计作品

商业空间,服饰店设计,服装店设计,太原服装店设计,女装服饰店设计,太原零售店设计,WEI STUFFSPACE,太原WEISTUFF,WEI STUFFE服饰店,项目投稿,末染设计,末染设计作品



Borrowing the traditional garden perspective, borrowing landscape techniques, so that the various areas are separated from each other.


02 光影 Light and shadow


商业空间,服饰店设计,服装店设计,太原服装店设计,女装服饰店设计,太原零售店设计,WEI STUFFSPACE,太原WEISTUFF,WEI STUFFE服饰店,项目投稿,末染设计,末染设计作品



In creating and switching the atmosphere of the whole space, light is the medium and means to shape the space; It is also the soul of space change. We try different ways to give people a possibility to switch scenes, and see people spend a relaxing and comfortable important time in the whole space, which is also our most genuine desire during the design.


商业空间,服饰店设计,服装店设计,太原服装店设计,女装服饰店设计,太原零售店设计,WEI STUFFSPACE,太原WEISTUFF,WEI STUFFE服饰店,项目投稿,末染设计,末染设计作品


03 连续 Continuous



Ceiling mirror stainless steel provides users with a unique interesting perspective, the space to create more clever.


商业空间,服饰店设计,服装店设计,太原服装店设计,女装服饰店设计,太原零售店设计,WEI STUFFSPACE,太原WEISTUFF,WEI STUFFE服饰店,项目投稿,末染设计,末染设计作品

商业空间,服饰店设计,服装店设计,太原服装店设计,女装服饰店设计,太原零售店设计,WEI STUFFSPACE,太原WEISTUFF,WEI STUFFE服饰店,项目投稿,末染设计,末染设计作品



A mirror stainless steel device is designed at the center of the space to reflect different Spaces from different angles, so as to better integrate each unit space together.


04 延伸 Extension


商业空间,服饰店设计,服装店设计,太原服装店设计,女装服饰店设计,太原零售店设计,WEI STUFFSPACE,太原WEISTUFF,WEI STUFFE服饰店,项目投稿,末染设计,末染设计作品



In addition to the needs of fitting, the mirror is also in the space. It will continuously expand and extend the free line, and the real space where the body is is further strengthened in the world of virtual image, the original space, because the mirror image becomes a grand spatial background.


商业空间,服饰店设计,服装店设计,太原服装店设计,女装服饰店设计,太原零售店设计,WEI STUFFSPACE,太原WEISTUFF,WEI STUFFE服饰店,项目投稿,末染设计,末染设计作品



Well-polished stainless steel is presented in the form of volume in the space, which is not only used as a space material, but also as a sculpture artwork to be displayed in the space, breaking the limitations and boundaries of design. It is both independent and integrated with the space.


商业空间,服饰店设计,服装店设计,太原服装店设计,女装服饰店设计,太原零售店设计,WEI STUFFSPACE,太原WEISTUFF,WEI STUFFE服饰店,项目投稿,末染设计,末染设计作品



It naturally drives the rhythm of the space and arranges the guide system of the whole gray material space, which becomes the “compass” of the space.


05 叠加 Superposition


商业空间,服饰店设计,服装店设计,太原服装店设计,女装服饰店设计,太原零售店设计,WEI STUFFSPACE,太原WEISTUFF,WEI STUFFE服饰店,项目投稿,末染设计,末染设计作品

商业空间,服饰店设计,服装店设计,太原服装店设计,女装服饰店设计,太原零售店设计,WEI STUFFSPACE,太原WEISTUFF,WEI STUFFE服饰店,项目投稿,末染设计,末染设计作品

商业空间,服饰店设计,服装店设计,太原服装店设计,女装服饰店设计,太原零售店设计,WEI STUFFSPACE,太原WEISTUFF,WEI STUFFE服饰店,项目投稿,末染设计,末染设计作品






Let space produce distance

To explore the relationship between things

By talking to each other

Space seems to have vitality


商业空间,服饰店设计,服装店设计,太原服装店设计,女装服饰店设计,太原零售店设计,WEI STUFFSPACE,太原WEISTUFF,WEI STUFFE服饰店,项目投稿,末染设计,末染设计作品

商业空间,服饰店设计,服装店设计,太原服装店设计,女装服饰店设计,太原零售店设计,WEI STUFFSPACE,太原WEISTUFF,WEI STUFFE服饰店,项目投稿,末染设计,末染设计作品

商业空间,服饰店设计,服装店设计,太原服装店设计,女装服饰店设计,太原零售店设计,WEI STUFFSPACE,太原WEISTUFF,WEI STUFFE服饰店,项目投稿,末染设计,末染设计作品



Material never exists in isolation, always in the environment, including light and scale, so we take the proportion after the juxtaposition of various materials and the reaction and performance after the influence of space and light environment as the standard, to establish the unique texture of space.


06 协调 Coordinate


商业空间,服饰店设计,服装店设计,太原服装店设计,女装服饰店设计,太原零售店设计,WEI STUFFSPACE,太原WEISTUFF,WEI STUFFE服饰店,项目投稿,末染设计,末染设计作品



To look forward to of the space, is in meet the functional requirements at the same time, also hope to build up the mind inhabited land of the living environment is also the atmosphere of the whole, and the people, the environment the inner order of reaction, and space, artistically rendering space magnetic field, an illustration of the coexistence of people and space relation, the person that reside minimalist philosophy of life, the vivid…


商业空间,服饰店设计,服装店设计,太原服装店设计,女装服饰店设计,太原零售店设计,WEI STUFFSPACE,太原WEISTUFF,WEI STUFFE服饰店,项目投稿,末染设计,末染设计作品

商业空间,服饰店设计,服装店设计,太原服装店设计,女装服饰店设计,太原零售店设计,WEI STUFFSPACE,太原WEISTUFF,WEI STUFFE服饰店,项目投稿,末染设计,末染设计作品

商业空间,服饰店设计,服装店设计,太原服装店设计,女装服饰店设计,太原零售店设计,WEI STUFFSPACE,太原WEISTUFF,WEI STUFFE服饰店,项目投稿,末染设计,末染设计作品


凭借其简洁而完美的细节,精致的家具,以及富有层次感的空间,WEI STUFF提倡一种慢节奏的生活理念,引起了新一代客户的共鸣。相比于快餐式的互动体验与即使的满足感,当下的人追求的是更近一步的参与感。

With its simple and immaculated details, exquisite furniture, and layered Spaces, Wei Stuff promotes a concept of slow living that resonates with a new generation of customers. Compared to the interactive experience and instant gratification of fast food, today’s people are pursuing a further sense of participation.


商业空间,服饰店设计,服装店设计,太原服装店设计,女装服饰店设计,太原零售店设计,WEI STUFFSPACE,太原WEISTUFF,WEI STUFFE服饰店,项目投稿,末染设计,末染设计作品

商业空间,服饰店设计,服装店设计,太原服装店设计,女装服饰店设计,太原零售店设计,WEI STUFFSPACE,太原WEISTUFF,WEI STUFFE服饰店,项目投稿,末染设计,末染设计作品


∇ 平面布置图 Floor plan

商业空间,服饰店设计,服装店设计,太原服装店设计,女装服饰店设计,太原零售店设计,WEI STUFFSPACE,太原WEISTUFF,WEI STUFFE服饰店,项目投稿,末染设计,末染设计作品



材料 :艺术漆,水磨石,软膜天光,不锈钢

Design company:moo than.design
Time of completion:2020.12
Category:Commercial space
Location:Taiyuan City
Photograph:A Long
Material: Art Paint, Terrazzo, Soft Film Skylight,Stainless steel


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