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    院士 国家杰青 国家优青 百千万人才 中原学者 省特聘 校特聘 教学名师
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  • 博士后
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【教育及工作经历】1998至2005年就读于山西农业大学食品科学与工程学院及文理学院。2005年起就读于英国诺丁汉大学植物科学系,2008年获英国诺丁汉大学理学博士学位。2008至2011年在英国洛桑实验站(Rothamsted Research)从事博士后工作。2011年3月至2018年4月就职于美国国家能源部布鲁克海文国家实验室(Brookhaven National Laboratory)。












48. H Qin, W Yang, Z Liu, Y Ouyang, X Wang, H Duan, B Zhao, S Wang, ... K Yu*,X Zhang*. Mitochondrial VOLTAGE-DEPENDENT ANION CHANNEL 3 regulates stomatal closure by abscisic acid signaling.Plant Physiology, kiad516,2023

47. W Yang, D Yao, H Duan, J Zhang, Y Cai, C Lan, B Zhao, Y Mei, Y Zheng, ...K Yu*,X Zhang*. Maize and Arabidopsis VAMP726 confers pollen resistance to heat and UV radiation by influencing lignin content in sporopollenin.Plant Communications,2023

46. Y Yan, XM Li, Y Chen, TT Wu, CH Ding, MQ Zhang, YT Guo, CY Wang, ... Phosphorylation of KAT-2B by WKS1/Yr36 redirects the lipid flux to jasmonates to enhance resistance against wheat stripe rust.Journal of Genetics and Genomics,2023

45. H Duan, Z Xue, X Ju, L Yang, J Gao, L Sun, S Xu, J Li, X Xiong, Y Sun, ... The genetic architecture of prolificacy in maize revealed by association mapping and bulk segregant analysis.Theoretical and Applied Genetics136 (9), 1-17,2023

44. H Wang, Y Wang, T Sang, Z Lin, R Li, W Ren, X Shen, B Zhao, X Wang, ... Cell type‐specific proteomics uncovers a RAF15‐SnRK2. 6/OST1 kinase cascade in guard cells.Journal of Integrative Plant Biology65 (9), 2122-2137,2023

43. Y Zhou, T Zhang, X Wang, W Wu, J Xing, Z Li, X Qiao, C Zhang, X Wang, ... A maize epimerase modulates cell wall synthesis and glycosylation during stomatal morphogenesis.Nature Communications14 (1), 4384,2023

42. H Li, J Xie, Y Gao, X Wang, L Qin, W Ju, JA Roberts, B Cheng,X Zhang*, X Lu*. IQ domain-containing protein ZmIQD27 modulates water transport in maize.Plant Physiology, kiad390 1,2023

41. H Li, H Tao, Y Xiao, L Qin, C Lan, B Cheng, JA Roberts,X Zhang*, X Lu*. ZmXYL modulates auxin‐induced maize growth.The Plant Journal,2023

40. F Yi, A Song, K Cheng, J Liu, C Wang, L Shao, S Wu, P Wang, J Zhu, ... Strigolactones positively regulate Verticillium wilt resistance in cotton via crosstalk with other hormones.Plant Physiology192 (2), 945-966,2,2023

39. CY Chang, SX Yang, MQ Zhang, YT Guo, XM Li, Y Yan, CH Ding, KX Niu, ... Suppression of ZEAXANTHIN EPOXIDASE 1 restricts stripe rust growth in wheat.Plant Communications,2023

38. X Ou, X Wang, B Zhao, Y Zhao, HQ LIU, Y Chang, Z Wang, W Yang, ...X Zhang*, K Yu*. Metabolome and transcriptome signatures shed light on the anti-obesity effect of Polygonatum sibiricum.Frontiers in Plant Science14, 1273,2023

37. Y Chang, M Shi, Y Sun, H Cheng, X Ou, Y Zhao,X Zhang, B Day, C Miao, ... Light-induced stomatal opening in Arabidopsis is negatively regulated by chloroplast-originated OPDA signaling.Current Biology33 (6), 1071-1081. e5 2,2023


35. X Hao, C Wang, W Zhou, Q Ruan, C Xie, Y Yang, C Xiao, Y Cai, J Wang, ... OpNAC1 transcription factor regulates the biosynthesis of the anticancer drug camptothecin by targeting loganic acid O-methyltransferase in Ophiorrhiza pumila.Journal of integrative plant biology,5,2022

34. W Hui, J Fan, X Liu, F Zhao, T Saba, J Wang, A Wu,X Zhang, J Zhang, ... Integrated transcriptome and plant growth substance profiles to identify the regulatory factors involved in floral sex differentiation in Zanthoxylum armatum DC.Frontiers in Plant Science13, 976338,2022

33. C Lan, B Zhao, L Yang, Y Zhou, S Guo,X Zhang*, J Zhang*. Determination of UDP-Glucose and UDP-Galactose in Maize by Hydrophilic Interaction Liquid Chromatography and Tandem Mass Spectrometry.Journal of Analytical Methods in Chemistry2022

32. H Yu, Y He, W Zhang, L Chen, J Zhang,X Zhang, W Dawson, J Ding*. (2022) Greater chemical signaling in root exudates enhances soil mutualistic associations in invasive plants compared to natives.New phytologist

31. K Yu, W Yang, B Zhao, L Wang, P Zhang, Y Ouyang, Y Chang, G Chen, J Zhang, S Wang, X Wang, P Wang, W Wang, J A Roberts, K Jiang, L AJ Mur*,X Zhang*. (2022) The Kelch-F-box protein SMALL AND GLOSSY LEAVES 1 (SAGL1) negatively influences salicylic acid biosynthesis in Arabidopsis thaliana by promoting the turn-over of transcription factor SYSTEMIC ACQUIRED RESISTANCE DEFICIENT 1 (SARD1).New phytologist

30. G Sun, M Xia, J Li, W Ma, Q Li, J Xie, S Bai, S Fang, T Sun, X Feng, G Guo, Y Niu, J Hou, W Ye, J Ma, S Guo, H Wang, Y Long,X Zhang, J Zhang, H Zhou, B Li, J Liu, C Zou, H Wang, J Huang, D W Galbraith, C Song*. (2022) The maize single-nucleus transcriptome comprehensively describes signaling networks governing movement and development of grass stomata.The Plant Cell

29. H Li, S Zhang, Y Zhao, X Zhao, W Xie, Y Guo, Y Wang, K Li, J Guo, Q Zhu,X Zhang, K Jia, Y Miao*. (2022) Identification and Characterization of Cinnamyl Alcohol Dehydrogenase Encoding Genes Involved in Lignin Biosynthesis and Resistance to Verticillium dahliae in Upland Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.).Frontiers in Plant Science

28. Y Wang, J Zhang, M Sun, C He, K Yu, B Zhao, R Li, J Li, Z Yang, X Wang, H Duan, J Fu, S Liu,X Zhang*, J Zheng*. (2021) Multi-Omics Analyses Reveal Systemic Insights into Maize Vivipary.Plants

27. Zhao B, Zhang S, Yang W, Li B, Lan C, Zhang J, Yuan L, Wang Y, Xie Q, Han J, Mur LAJ, Hao X, Roberts JA, Miao Y, Yu K,Zhang X*. (2021) Multi-omic dissection of the drought resistance traits of soybean landrace LX.Plant Cell & Environment

26. Wang X, Feng H, Wang Y, Wang M, Xie X, Chang H, Wang L, Qu J, Sun K, He W, Wang C, Dai C, Chu Z, Tian C, Yu N,Zhang X*, Liu H*, Wang E*. (2021) Mycorrhizal symbiosis modulates the rhizosphere microbiota to promote rhizobia-legume symbiosis.Molecular Plant

25.禹坷#,王孝林#,张学斌*,王二涛*. (2020)植物根系与益生菌相互作用的研究进展.植物生理学报Plant Physiology Journal, 2020, 56 (11): 2275–2287

24. Wang PY, Ni R, Zhu TT, Sun CJ, Lou HX,Zhang X*, Cheng AX*. (2020) Isolation and functional characterization of four microbial type terpene synthases from ferns.Plant Physiol Biochem

23. X Wang, M Wang, X Xie, S Guo, Y Zhou,X Zhang*, N Yu*, E Wang*. (2020)An amplification-selection model for quantified rhizosphere microbiota assembly.Science Bulletin

22. Xiaozong Wu, Hongli Li, Yan Wang,Xuebin Zhang*. (2020) Effects of bio-organic fertiliser fortified by Bacillus cereus QJ-1 on tobacco bacterial wilt control and soil quality improvement.Biocontrol Science and Technology

21. Zhang S, Tian Z, Li H, Guo Y, Zhang Y, Roberts JA,Zhang X*, Miao Y*. (2019) Genome-wide analysis and characterization of F-box gene family in Gossypium hirsutum L.BMC Genomics

20. Zhang S, Cai Y, Guo J, Li K, Peng R, Liu F, Roberts JA, Miao Y*,Zhang X*. (2019) Gossypium hirsutumGenotyping-by-Sequencing of Races and Cultivars Uncovers Novel Patterns of Genetic Relationships and Domestication Footprints.Evol. Bioinform

19. Li W, Zhang J, Zhu W, Qin P, Zhou Q, Lu M, Zhang X, Zhao W, Zhang S, Cai Z. (2020) Facile preparation of reduced graphene oxide/ZnFeO nanocomposite as magnetic sorbents for enrichment of estrogens.Talanta

18.Zhang X*, Gonzalez-Carranza H. Z, Zhang S, Miao Y, Liu C, Roberts J. (2019). F-box proteins in plants.Annual Plant Review online, February, 2019

17. Zhang, X, Zhang, J, Li, W, Yang, Y, Qin, P,Zhang, X, Lu, M. (2018) Magnetic graphene oxide nanocomposites as the adsorbent for extraction and pre-concentration of azo dyes in different food samples followed by high-performance liquid chromatography analysis. Food Additives & Contaminants: Part A. 2018

16.Zhang, X., Jayaweera D, Peters J L, Szecsi J, Bendahmane M, Roberts J A, González-Carranza Z H*. (2017). The Arabidopsis thaliana F-box gene HAWAIIAN SKIRT is a new player in the microRNA pathway.PLoS ONE, 2017, IF: 2.806

15.Zhang, X., Abrahanb, C., Colquhounb, T.A and Liu, C. (2017). A Proteolytic Regulator Controlling Chalcone Synthase Stability and Flavonoid Biosynthesis in Arabidopsis.The Plant Cell, May, 2017. IF 10.125. (*Editor’s choice of cover story of the month)

14.Zhang, X., Gou, M., Guo, C., Yang H., and Liu, C. (2015). Down-regulation of the kelch domaincontaining F-box protein in Arabidopsis enhances the production of (poly)phenols and tolerance to UV-radiation.Plant Physiology, January, 2015. IF: 7.908.

13.Zhang, X., and Liu, C. (2014). Multifaceted regulations of gateway enzymes in the biosynthesis of phenylpropanoids.Molecular Plant, November, 2014. IF: 6.126.

12.Zhang, X., Gou, M., Liu, C. (2013). Kelch Repeat F-box Proteins Regulate Phenylpropanoid Biosynthesis via Controlling the Turnover of Phenylalanine Ammonia-Lyase.The Plant Cell, 25, 4994-5010. IF 10.125.

11.Zhang, X., De Marcos Lousa, C., Shutte-Lensink, N., Ofman, R., Wanders, R.J., Baldwin, S.A., Baker, A., Kemp, S., and Theodoulou, F.L. (2011), Conservation of targeting but divergence in function and quality control of peroxisomal ABC transporters: an analysis using crosskingdom expression.Biochemical Journal, 436, 547-57. IF: 5.0.

10. Nyathi, Y*.,Zhang, X*., Baldwin, J.M., Bernhardt, K., Johnson, B., Baldwin, S.A., Theodoulou, F.L., and Baker, A. (2012). Pseudo half-molecules of the ABC transporter, COMATOSE, bind Pex19 and target to peroxisomes independently but both are required for activity.FEBS Letters. 586, 2280-2286. (*co-first author). IF: 4.0.

9. Cheng A,Zhang X, Han X-J, Zhang Y-Y, Gao S, Liu C-J, Lou H. (2017) Identification of Chalcone Isomerase in the Basal Land Plants Reveals an Ancient Evolution of Enzymatic Cyclization Activity for Synthesis of Flavonoids.New Phytologist, September, 2017, IF: 7.330

8. Gonzalez-Carranza H Z *,Zhang X,Peters L J,Veronique Szecsi B, Bendahmane J, M,Roberts A J. (2017) Hawaiian skirt controls size and floral organ number by modulating CUC1 and CUC2 expression.PLoS ONE,September 20, 2017, IF: 2.806

7. Gou, M., Hou, G., Yang, H.,Zhang, X, Cai, Y., Kai, G and Liu, C. (2016). The MYB107 transcription factor positively regulates suberin biosynthesis.Plant Physiology, December, 2016. IF: 7.908.

6. Cai, Y., Zhang, K., Kim, H., Hou, G.,Zhang, X., Yang, H., Feng, H., Miller, L., Ralph, J & Liu, C. (2016). Enhancing digestibility and ethanol yield of Populus wood via expression of an engineered monolignol 4-O-methyltransferase.Nature Communications, Article number 11989. IF: 10.2.

5. Liu, C., Cai, Y.,Zhang, X., Gou, M., and Yang, H. (2014). Tailoring lignin biosynthesis for efficient and sustainable biofuel production.Plant Biotechnology Journal, September, 2014. IF: 6.279.

4. Mendiondo, G.M., Medhurst, A., Roermund, C.W.,Zhang, X., Devonshire, J., Scholefield, D., Fernández, J., Axcell, B., Ramsay, L., Waterham, H.R., Waugh, R., Theodoulou, F.L. and Holdsworth, M.J. (2014). Barley has two peroxisomal ABC transporters with multiple functions in β-oxidation.Journal of Experimental Botany, June 9, 2014. IF: 5.542.

3. Zhang, K., Novak, O., Wei, Z., Gou, M.,Zhang, X., Yu, Y., Yang, H., Cai, Y., Strnad, M., and Liu, C. (2014). Arabidopsis ABCG14 protein controls the acropetal translocation of root-synthesized cytokinins.Nature Communications, Article number 3274. IF: 10.2.

2. Fan, J., Yan, C.,Zhang, X., and Xu, C. (2013). Dual Role for Phospholipid:Diacylglycerol Acyltransferase: Enhancing Fatty Acid Synthesis and Diverting Fatty Acids from Membrane Lipids to Triacylglycerol in Arabidopsis Leaves.The Plant Cell, 25, 3506-18.IF: 10.125.

1. Theodoulou, F.L., Nyathi, Y., van Roermund, C., Lousa, C.D., Linka, N.,Zhang, X., Haslam, R., Napier, J.A., Baldwin, S.A., Weber, A., and Baker, A. (2010). Peroxisomal transporters associated with beta-oxidation.Biochimica et Biophysica Acta-Bioenergetics1797,145154, IF: 5.0.


Theodoulou, F.L.,Zhang, X., De Marcos Lousa, C., Nyathi, Y., and Baker, A. (2011). Peroxisomal transport systems: roles in signalling and metabolism. In: Transporters and pumps in plant signalling. Eds. Markus Geisler and Kees Venema. Signaling and Communication in Plants 7, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg. pp 327-351




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